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Plain Mac-Auth

This first example assumes the server is only performing mac-auth. It checks MAC addresses against a users style file.


Most NASes usually send the MAC address in the Calling-Station-ID attribute. There are several common formats:

  • 00:11:22:33:44:55
  • 00-11-22-33-44-55
  • 0011.2233.4455

Again, depending on the NAS, these can be either upper-case or lower-case hex.

It is sensible to re-format these into a single format at the server. The following policy is available in FreeRADIUS version 3 onwards, in [[raddb/policy.d/canonicalization|

# Rewrite called station id attribute into a standard format.
rewrite_calling_station_id {
        if (Calling-Station-Id =~ /([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:.]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:.]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([0-9a-f]{2})/i) {
                update request {
                        Calling-Station-Id := "%{tolower:%{1}-%{2}-%{3}-%{4}-%{5}-%{6}}"
        else {


Create a new instance of the files module to read a new file of permitted MAC addresses.

files authorized_macs {
        # The default key attribute to use for matches.  The content
        # of this attribute is used to match the "name" of the
        # entry.
        key = "%{Calling-Station-ID}"

        usersfile = ${confdir}/authorized_macs

        #  If you want to use the old Cistron 'users' file
        #  with FreeRADIUS, you should change the next line
        #  to 'compat = cistron'.  You can the copy your 'users'
        #  file from Cistron.
        compat = no


This is the list of permitted MAC addresses, as read by the new files configuration above.

        Reply-Message = "Device with MAC Address %{Calling-Station-Id} authorized for network access"


Finally, call the canonicalisation policy and new files module from the authorize section:

authorize {

        # If cleaning up the Calling-Station-Id...

        # Now check against the authorized_macs file

        if (!ok) {
                # No match was found, so reject
        else {
                # The MAC address was found, so update Auth-Type
                # to accept this auth.
                update control {
                        Auth-Type := Accept

Mac-Auth or 802.1x

This example shows how to mix 802.1x and mac-auth. The example does the following:

  1. If not using 802.1x, mac address must be known;
  2. If using 802.1x, anyone with valid credentials can login (no mac address restrictions).

The files raddb/policy.conf, raddb/mods-available/files and raddb/authorized_macs are the same as the plain mac-auth examples above.


authorize {

        # If cleaning up the Calling-Station-Id...

        # If this is NOT 802.1x, assume mac-auth. We check this by testing
        # for the presence of the EAP-Message attribute in the request.
        if (!EAP-Message) {
                # Now check against the authorized_macs file

                if (!ok) {
                else {
                        # accept
                        update control {
                                Auth-Type := Accept

        else {
                # Normal FreeRADIUS virtual server config goes here e.g.

Mac-Auth and 802.1x

This example shows how to perform both 802.1x and mac-auth. The example does the following:

  1. If not using 802.1x, mac address must be known
  2. If using 802.1x, mac address must be known and valid credential given

The files raddb/policy.conf, raddb/mods-available/files and raddb/authorized_macs are the same as the plain mac-auth examples above.


authorize {

        # If cleaning up the Calling-Station-Id...

        # always check against the authorized_macs file first

        if (!ok) {
        # Reject if the MAC address was not permitted.

        # If this is NOT 802.1x, mac-auth
        if (!EAP-Message) {
                # MAC address has already been checked, so accept
                update control {
                        Auth-Type := Accept
        else {
                # Normal FreeRADIUS virtual server config goes here e.g.

Web-Auth safe Mac-Auth

Although this configuration is more complex, you should probably use it if the server is going to process both web-auth and mac-auth requests, here is the rationale:

  • Some NAS vendors allow both Web-Auth and Mac-Auth to occur on the same NAS on the same port, and do not provide attributes to distinguish between the two.
  • This allows users to enter a username and password in the format of a Mac-Address and the RADIUS server would assume the NAS was requesting Mac-Auth.
  • This makes Mac-Spoofing even more trivial as the Mac-Address of the NIC doesn't need to be overridden (not every OS/NIC supports this).
  • Where a site implements Web-Auth for guest wireless connections, and Mac-Auth for wired connections, it allows malicious users to get wireless access by using Mac formatted credentials (If the policy does not check NAS-Port-Type).

This configuration attempts to prevent this kind of spoofing:

  • Checks for the presence of a Service-Type == 'Call-Check' AVP as an explicit indication that the NAS wants to do Mac-Auth. If your NAS sends this in Access-Request packets, you should remove the User-Name =~ /^%{Calling-Station-ID}$/i sub-condition from the authorize section.
  • Verifies that the CHAP-Password attribute matches the Calling-Station-ID of the station - this prevents users from spoofing macs via the web form.


For this configuration to work, you must configure the password format for Mac-Auth to use the same octet separator as the Calling-Station-ID attribute.


As per example 1


As per example 1


As per example 1


authorize {
    # (Optional) May help if your NAS doesn't let you specify separators for the User-Name value


    # The EAP module should be listed before the Mac-Auth section if concurrent 802.1X/MAC authentication
    # (Mac-Auth bypass etc...) is being used.

    # Machine (Calling-Station-ID based) authentication
    # RFC 2865 says that a Service-Type value of Call Check is used
    # to specify this kind of authentication (though were now dealing with ethernet ports instead of lines).
    if((Service-Type == 'Call-Check') || (User-Name =~ /^%{Calling-Station-ID}$/i)){
        update control {
                Auth-Type = 'CSID'

    # If the CHAP module is called, it must be *after* the check for CSID authentication
    # chap

authenticate {
    # Authentication based on Calling-Station-ID
    # Calling-Station-ID authentication is usually done by comparing normalised
    # forms of the Calling-Station-ID and User-name fields.
    Auth-Type CSID {
            # Optionally a CHAP-Password attribute is included which is
            # md5(ChapID + Calling-Station-ID + Request Authenticator).
                    update control {
                        Cleartext-Password := "%{Calling-Station-ID}"
            else {

post-auth {
    if(control:Auth-Type == 'CSID'){
        # Authorization happens here

Additional modifications

Mac-Auth authorisation by SSID

Follow any of the recipes above and then make the following modifications.

Note: The recipe below will work with any NAS that includes the SSID in the Called-Station-ID string with the format : e.g. 00-11-22-33-44-55:MY_SSID_1. There is no standard for this, and vendors may include the SSID in its own vendor specific attribute (VSA). If unsure, run the server in debug mode (-X) and check the contents of incoming requests.

If your vendor's NAS uses a VSA, omit the call to 'rewrite_called_station_id', do not add the additional attributes to the dictionary, and insert that VSA into the key attribute in place of '%{Called-Station-SSID}' e.g. key = "%{VENDOR_SSID_VSA}.%{Calling-Station-ID}".


Use next free attribute number between 3000-4000 and insert the following definition.

# The SSID the supplicant/user device connected to
ATTRIBUTE        Called-Station-SSID        3010                string


Add the following policy stanza to policy.conf.

# Rewrite called station id attribute into a standard format.
# If a 6th seperator is present, write the trailing chars into Called-Station-SSID
rewrite_called_station_id {
        if(Called-Station-Id =~ /^([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:.]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:.]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([0-9a-f]{2})[-:]?([-a-z0-9_. ]*)?/i){
                update request {
                        Called-Station-Id := "%{1}%{2}%{3}%{4}%{5}%{6}"
                        Called-Station-SSID := "%{7}"
        else {

raddb/sites-available/default authorize

Add the a module call for 'rewrite_calling_station_id' to the authorize section directly above the call to 'rewrite_calling_station_id'.

authorize {
  # break called station ID into the BSSID and SSID
  # if cleaning up the Calling-Station-Id...


modify the key attribute of the authorized_macs files instance

files authorized_macs {
        # The default key attribute to use for matches.  The content
        # of this attribute is used to match the "name" of the
        # entry.
        key = "%{Called-Station-SSID}.%{Calling-Station-ID}"

        usersfile = ${confdir}/authorized_macs

        #  If you want to use the old Cistron 'users' file
        #  with FreeRADIUS, you should change the next line
        #  to 'compat = cistron'.  You can the copy your 'users'
        #  file from Cistron.
        compat = no


Entries should now be in the following format.

    Reply-Message = "Device with MAC Address %{Calling-Station-Id} authorized for network access on SSID %{Called-Station-SSID}"

Mac-Auth authorisation by SSID SQL


As above.


As above.

raddb/sites-available/default authorize

Add the a module call for 'rewrite_calling_station_id' to the authorize section directly above the call to 'rewrite_calling_station_id'.

authorize {
    if("%{sql:SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SSIDMACAUTH` WHERE macaddress = '%{Calling-Station-ID}' AND SSID = '%{Called-Station-SSID}'}" >= 1){
        update control {
            Auth-Type := Accept