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avatar: multiOTP (multiOTP) multiOTP (multiOTP) November 04, 2017:  Updated multiOTP HOWTO (rest) [e6f4041]
avatar: multiOTP (multiOTP) multiOTP (multiOTP) November 04, 2017:  Both MS-CHAP and mschap, depending on how the replacement at other places [05a8a18]
avatar: multiOTP (multiOTP) multiOTP (multiOTP) November 04, 2017:  Typo (elif -> elsif) [295965a]
avatar: multiOTP (multiOTP) multiOTP (multiOTP) November 04, 2017:  Auth-Type detection, replaces MS-CHAP by mschap. chap added. [3d0ac02]
avatar: Timothy (tpharryman) Timothy (tpharryman) October 05, 2015:  Updated multiOTP HOWTO (rest) [7597ef4]
avatar: Hilitec (Hilitec) Hilitec (Hilitec) April 07, 2014:  Updated multiOTP HOWTO (rest) [7014448]
avatar: Hilitec (Hilitec) Hilitec (Hilitec) April 07, 2014:  Updated multiOTP HOWTO (rest) [974e194]
avatar: Hilitec (Hilitec) Hilitec (Hilitec) April 04, 2014:  Updated multiOTP HOWTO (rest) [7a537c8]
avatar: Hilitec (Hilitec) Hilitec (Hilitec) May 20, 2013:  Updated multiOTP HOWTO (rest) [724f271]
avatar: Alan T. DeKok Alan T. DeKok July 18, 2011:  Remove cruft [62946bb]