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How to log bug reports


  • You must be running the latest minor and incremental version of a major release see
  • You must be running a version of the server compiled from an official tarball, not a packaged release
  • The major release must be currently supported (unless it's a major exploit), current supported major releases are 2.x.x (security defects only) and 3.x.x


For non-exploits use to create a bug report, do not post bug reports to the users or developers list, you will be directed here.

For sensitive defects, exploits, or potential exploits (buffer overflows etc...) post to the developers list, and one of the core developers will contact you off list.


Crashes (Segmentation violations, Memory alignment errors, ASSERTs etc...)

Please compile from source with the configure flag --enable-developer, and no CFLAGS set in the environment. This will disable optimisation at compile time, and add additional debugging symbols.

Provide a backtrace using GDB:

gdb <path to freeradius bin>
run -xfl stdout

# Trigger the crash

Provide details of any configuration changes you think are relevant, or even better, a pared down configuration and radclient/eapol-test input that will reliably reproduce the crash.

Stuck processes

As above, recompile with developer debugging enabled, and use GDB to attach to the stuck process.

Provide a backtrace using GDB:

gdb <process ID>
thread apply all bt


echo "thread apply all bt" > /tmp/gdb.cmd
gdb -x /tmp/gdb.cmd <process ID> > /tmp/

Please run with a minimally sized thread pool if possible to keep the output down.

Memory leaks

Provide output of valgrind:

valgrind --leak-check=full --time-stamp=yes --log-file=/tmp/<output>.vg <path to freeradius bin> <freeradius options>

# Load the server until you're sure the memory leak has occurred
kill $pid

Provide details of any configuration changes you think are relevant, or even better, a pared down configuration and radclient/eapol-test input that will reliably trigger the leak.