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The rlm_attr_rewrite module enables some attribute rewriting.


	#  rewrite arbitrary packets.  Useful in accounting and authorization.
	#  The module can also use the Rewrite-Rule attribute. If it
	#  is set and matches the name of the module instance, then
	#  that module instance will be the only one which runs.
	#  Also if new_attribute is set to yes then a new attribute
	#  will be created containing the value replacewith and it
	#  will be added to searchin (packet, reply, proxy, proxy_reply or config).
	# searchfor,ignore_case and max_matches will be ignored in that case.
	# Backreferences are supported: %{0} will contain the string the whole match
	# and %{1} to %{8} will contain the contents of the 1st to the 8th parentheses
	# If max_matches is greater than one the backreferences will correspond to the
	# first match

	#attr_rewrite sanecallerid {
	#	attribute = Called-Station-Id
		# may be "packet", "reply", "proxy", "proxy_reply" or "config"
	#	searchin = packet
	#	searchfor = "[+ ]"
	#	replacewith = ""
	#	ignore_case = no
	#	new_attribute = no
	#	max_matches = 10
	#	## If set to yes then the replace string will be appended to the original string
	#	append = no