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Always use radiusd -X
when debugging!
GitHub is a social coding site allowing many developers to come together and work on projects simultaneously.
GitHub is based on the Git version control system. What makes Git different from other version control systems (like CVS and SVN), is that there is no need for a central master repository. When you clone (checkout) a repository, you get your own private repository containing all the commits and branches of the original.
After cloning a repository you can create new branches and commit new revisions completely independently of the upstream repository. To distribute and receive changes you can use the git pull
command (to get new commits from remote repositories), and git push
command (to send your commits to remote repositories).
See here
In order to follow or fork a project you must first create a GitHub account. The current signup url is here and the process is pretty straight forward. After you've signed up, log in and you're good to go.
Another advantage of having a GitHub account is its one of the providers this wiki supports for login, so even if you never contribute to the source code of the server, you'll still be able to help out be adding wiki content.
In order to let your local machine talk to GitHub, you must first lodge the public portion of a RSA keypair with the GitHub servers.
If you're using Mac OSX or Linux use the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
And save the keys if their default locations (just hit return)
@todo - windows instructions - Currently your only option is to cry yourself to sleep knowing you'll never be able to contribute to FreeRADIUS (or figure it out on your own).
cat ~/.ssh/
Once you've established a history of providing good patches, the FreeRADIUS core developers are more likely to pull your modifications into the project repository. To establish this history it's important to configure your local git client to insert the correct information into commit meta-data. This will mean that your commits are linked to you and your GitHub account.
To correct the default commit and, enter the following commands:
git config --global "<Your real name>" git config --global "<Email you used to signup with GitHub>"
In order to contribute code you must first fork the server. Forking is the process of creating your own copy of the FreeRADIUS repository on GitHub, which you can clone, and then push your modifications to.
To fork the FreeRADIUS server
You'll see the current URL change to /<your github username>/freeradius-server
this means you're now browsing your own copy of the FreeRADIUS source code. From this point on changes to the upstream repository will not be reflected in your fork, unless you explicitly pull from the upstream repository using the local clone of your fork, and push back to GitHub.
GitHub doesn't allow you to login to their servers with an interactive prompt. Instead you must use one of the protocols Git supports (SSH, HTTP, or Git (native protocol)) to modify the contents of your fork, and in order to do that you must first clone it (create a copy of it on your local machine).
mkdir ~/repositories/ cd ~/repositories
git clone<your github username>/freeradius-server.git cd freeradius-server
git remote add upstream git:// git fetch upstream
Before you start hacking away you must create a new branch. This branch will serve to group your commits together so that they can be merged back to the project repository later.
cd ~/repositories/freeradius-server
git branch <my new branch>
git push origin <my new branch>
git checkout <my new branch>
git add <path>
. If you add subdirectories, all files and directories in that subdirectory will also be added.git commit --message '<description of changes>'
git pull --rebase upstream <development branch>
git push
See for the current development branch
Another rather unique feature of Git is the concept of rebasing. Rebase allows you to rewind the state of your repository to an earlier revision, then re-apply ranges of commits.
In the section above the git pull --rebase
command is used, heres what that command actually does
So long as as there were no merge conflicts your branch should now contain the latest version of the source from the upstream branch and your additional modifications.
The reason why the FreeRADIUS core developers love GitHub is because of pull requests. Once you've committed a set of modifications to your fork, you can generate a pull request to let the core developers know you have code to merge.
If your code merges cleanly, then its a couple of clicks to get it merged into the project repository. This is significantly easier for core developers, compared with applying mangled patches sent on the mailing lists.<your github username>/freeradius-server
The FreeRAIDUS project now requires all contributions to be signed.
Refer to the links below for instructions on how to enable this:
Last edited by Arran Cudbard-Bell (arr2036), 2020-03-25 20:31:54
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