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Note: The required functionality to do basic twitter operations is only available in FreeRADIUS >= v3.0.4
The difficult part in twitter integration is signing the requests. If a single character is incorrect, the signature won't match, and the Twitter API will return an authentication error.
The config snippet below shows how this can be done for a simple status update. At the time of writing there is no xlat method to sort values lexicographically. So in order to use the more complex API calls, you will need to modify Stage 1.1 and add your other post data pairs, maintaining lexicographic attribute order manually.
This is all very much a work in progress, and whether additional example operations get added here will depend on the actual demand for twitter integration.
Follow the link here signing up for an account and creating a new application if necessary.
Twitter has some excellent documents on authorizing and signing requests.
The policies below implement signing for simple status updates. It's not currently possible to write a generic signing policy.
Add the following to your custom dictionary
ATTRIBUTE Twitter-API-Method <next #> integer
ATTRIBUTE Twitter-API-URL <next #> string
ATTRIBUTE Twitter-API-Data <next #> string
VALUE Twitter-API-Method GET 1
VALUE Twitter-API-Method POST 2
VALUE Twitter-API-Method PUT 3
VALUE Twitter-API-Method DELETE 4
And add this to policy.d/twitter
# Basic integration with the twitter API
# This gets the difficult part working (oAuth) and allows integration with other
# parts of the API.
# Note: This does *NOT* support user based oAuth, the policy cannot be used to
# authenticate users against twitter. It is purely for integration with
# the API.
# Note: Unless you're using twitter as part of an authorisation scheme, you should
# use a detail reader/writer pair to provide a buffer in case the twitter
# API becomes unavailable/unreachable. You don't want authentication to be
# delayed whilst waiting for a twitter API request to time out.
twitter {
oauth_consumer_key = ''
oauth_consumer_secret = ''
oauth_access_token = ''
oauth_access_token_secret = ''
twitter_sign {
# Stage 1.0 - Generate the nonce (base64 encoding of 32 bytes of random data) and record the timestamp
update request {
Tmp-Octets-0 := "0x%{randstr:hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh}"
Tmp-String-0 := "%{base64:&Tmp-Octets-0}"
Tmp-Integer-0 := "%l"
# Stage 1.1 - Build the parameter string
# Note: The parameters here may have to be re-ordered alphabetically
# Twitter-API-Data should represent a single <attribute>=<value>
# pair. We should probably add an xlat to sort attributes
# by value lexicographically.
update request {
Tmp-String-1 := "\
# Stage 1.2 - Create the signature base string
update request {
Tmp-String-2 := "%{Twitter-API-Method}&%{urlquote:%{Twitter-API-URL}}&%{urlquote:%{Tmp-String-1}}"
# Stage 1.3 - Create the signing key
update request {
Tmp-String-3 := "%{urlquote:${policy.twitter.oauth_consumer_secret}}&%{urlquote:${policy.twitter.oauth_access_token_secret}}"
# Stage 1.4 - Create the oAuth signature
update request {
Tmp-Octets-1 := "0x%{hmacsha1:&Tmp-String-2 &Tmp-String-3}"
Tmp-String-4 := "%{base64:&Tmp-Octets-1}"
# Stage 2.0 - Adding the authorization header
update control {
REST-HTTP-Header := "Connection: close"
REST-HTTP-Header += "\
Authorization: OAuth \
oauth_consumer_key=\"%{urlquote:${policy.twitter.oauth_consumer_key}}\", \
oauth_nonce=\"%{urlquote:%{Tmp-String-0}}\", \
oauth_signature=\"%{urlquote:%{Tmp-String-4}}\", \
oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", \
oauth_timestamp=\"%{Tmp-Integer-0}\", \
oauth_token=\"%{urlquote:${policy.twitter.oauth_access_token}}\", \
twitter_tweet {
update request {
Twitter-API-Method := POST
Twitter-API-URL := ""
Twitter-API-Data := "%{urlquote:User %{User-Name} connected to %{NAS-Identifier} #WatchingYou #NoPrivacy #FreeRADIUS #Winning}"
# Stage 3.0 - Sending the request
update request {
Tmp-String-5 := "%{rest:%{Twitter-API-Method} %{Twitter-API-URL} status=%{Twitter-API-Data}}"
Last edited by Arran Cudbard-Bell (arr2036), 2014-06-09 16:36:24
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