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Always use radiusd -X
when debugging!
The expiration module implements support for the Expiration attribute.
When listed in the authorize section, the expiration module enforces the Expiration attribute. When the user’s account has a limited range of validity, the Session-Timeout attribute is updated to reflect this limited range.
If the Session-Timeout attribute already exists, the expiration module may decrease the value, but will never increase the value, of this attribute.
The format of the Expiration attribute is a date, as printed out by the date utility.
Example date
$ date
Thu 3 Apr 2014 13:19:52 EDT
Return codes
The user’s account has expired.
No control:Expiration
attribute was found.
A control:Expiration
attribute was found, and the user’s account is still active.
Operates identically to the authorize section.
Available after version 3.0.4
Last edited by Arran Cudbard-Bell, 2018-02-05 17:10:41
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